Ministry Garden Part 1: Setting Ministry Priorities for Your Church

Our second summer in Canada, the girls and I attempted a small garden in our backyard. We began with cucumbers and beans planted directly in the soil along the fence, and a few tomato...

Weaving Our Testimonies Together: A Collaborative Art Project

There are several stories of healing in the New Testament in which Jesus tells the paralytic in question to "take up his mat." The specifics differ from Gospel to Gospel, but the mat element...

Thanksgiving Tree

Remembering to be thankful together is one of the cornerstones of community. A Thanksgiving Tree is a creative way to express and display personal and communal thanks. The leader of our Decorating Team created...

Give Thanks Bulletin Board

So many church bulletin boards are hanging empty or outdated in church hallways now that e-newsletters keep members abreast of the latest church announcements. This is a simple, but impactful use of that space....

Sermon Remix