
Expanding Vision

Pitts Theological Library Images

A digital archive of images at Emory University . Searchable by scripture, keyword. Also organized by lectionary reading. Downloadable PDFs for use.

Malcolm Guite

Anglican priest, poet, songwriter, scholar and activist. Guite's poetry is influenced by T.S. Eliot, George Herbert, and Seamus Heaney and John Donne with a dash of Lewis and Tolkien.

Art in the Christian Tradition

Vanderbilt Divinity School digital art archives including both ancient and modern art and everything in between. Searchable by Keyword, scripture, lectionary, and iconography, content, and location. Downloadable images.

Art & Theology

Victoria Emily Jones writes this blog on art, music, and faith. Her posts and freelance articles are in-depth, creative, knowledgeable and always inspiring.


An online journal and resource hub for art and Christianity. Originating in the Netherlands, with a broad look at art all over the globe and across denominations. Resources for churches and individual devotion.