
Let it Roll Down

Christian Community Development Association

Founded by John Perkins, offers training and support to Christians seeking to make a difference in poor and under resourced areas. Working for justice in immigration, incarceration, and education.

Poor People's Campaign

A continuation of Dr. Martin Luther King's desire to unite poor and impacted communities. Confronting racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and religious nationalism across America.


Online and subscription resources for justice focused ministry. Articles on politics, culture, and social justice.

Economic Policy Institute

The only think tank dedicated to the needs of low and middle income workers. Research on fair wage, health care for all, and immigration and other related issues. Nonpartisan and nonprofit. Multimedia and downloadable resources.

Whose Land

A web-based app that assists users in identifying Indigenous Nations, territories, and Indigenous communities across Canada and the US. Helpful information on crafting Land Acknowledgement Statements and explanations why this is important.

NAIITS An Indigenous Learning Community

Organization focused on working with the Indigenous community to create and express Indigenous perspectives in theology and practice. They address biblical, theological, and ethical issues from within Native North American and other Indigenous perspectives. NAIITS conducts classes, symposiums and publishes a scholarly journal.