Home Call to Worship Call to Worship: Adapted from Isaiah 25 ” O Lord, You are our God, and we praise You!” By Todd Thomason - October 14, 2018 FacebookTwitterPinterest Use this link to download Call to Worship PDF. Sized so two copies may fit on a one sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Can also be emailed for online worship. Please respect the creativity and hard work of our writers and include attribute. Isaiah-25Download RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR A Litany for Holocaust Remembrance Day Call to Worship: Based on The Sermon on the Mount Call to Worship: Based on Psalm 23 “With Every Step We Take God’s Goodness and Mercy Pursue Us” Call to Worship Call to Worship: Based on Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Ring of Endless... September 5, 2017 Call to Worship: Mother’s Day “We come in response to ... May 13, 2018 Lighting the Advent Wreath: Peace Litany December 2, 2012 Call to Worship: “Lord Christ, teach us to live as You... September 30, 2018 Call to Worship: Psalm 41 “You, LORD God, bless everyone who... October 21, 2018 Load more Creative Worship Weaving Our Testimonies Together: A Collaborative Art Project October 1, 2018 Journey of the Magi January 5, 2021 Pentecost Multilingual Choral Reading of Acts 2 May 21, 2016 Paper Doves Take Flight May 19, 2021 Staged Reading of Madeleine L’Engle’s Poem: Catechumen February 11, 2013