I grew up in the shadow of the Christian Broadcasting Network. I even met Pat Robertson a few times. In high school, I acted in a commercial for The Family Channel. Some of the money Pat Robertson made from its sale paid for my full scholarship to Regent University.

While at Regent, I worked as a freelancer for CBN and I remember overhearing two lighting technicians talking about Pat Robertson: “He listens to the wrong people,” and “Anyone can get his ear,” and “He just goes with the last thing he hears.”

After sifting through several decades of my “neighbor’s” trash, I think they were right. Often the wrong person to whom Pat Robertson listened was himself.

Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson had a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Born into a life of privilege, his father, Absalom Willis Robertson, was a senator from Virginia. Willis was what would become known in political parlance as a “Dixiecrat.” Anti-New Deal and pro-Jim Crow, Willis Robertson peppered his political diatribes with Scripture. He was against Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty because, “Jesus said, ‘The poor ye shall always have with you!”

The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Read the complete article at Baptist News Global.