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Stigma as Dangerous as Drug

Imagine the entire population of a city the size of Peoria, Ill., suddenly vanished. What if half the residents of Richmond, Va.; Huntsville, Ala.; or Tacoma, Wash., turned to the person next to them and that...

Reverend Roboto

“Write a sermon on this week’s lectionary text.” “Write a Country and Western song about Job.” “Write a prayer for Reddit.” “Write a Bible song about ducks.” “Add a prayer to go with that sermon.” “Write a worship song about Jesus’ death and resurrection.” “Generate a chord...

Pat Robertson’s Gong Show

I grew up in the shadow of the Christian Broadcasting Network. I even met Pat Robertson a few times. In high school, I acted in a commercial for The Family Channel. Some of the money...

Pill Tok and a Pimp Tax

Inspired by influencers on TikTok, young women are abandoning hormonal birth control and seeking alternative methods of contraception. But not everyone behind the push to “natural” family planning has their best interests at heart. Conservative religious...


From the successful unionization of Starbucks baristas in Buffalo to striking actors and writers in Hollywood, support for labor unions is on the rise in a post-pandemic world. A Gallup poll from August reported 67% of Americans...


On March 12, the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that gave a Texas father the right to deny his daughters access to birth control made available through the federal...

Pastor’s Wife Barbie

Ladies, don’t take your children to see the new Barbie movie. Take your mom. Take your girlfriends. Take a flask. Take the wife of your pastor. Because if there’s one woman who, more than any...

What Greta Gerwig’s Oscar Snub Means for Hollywood and the Church

The Academy Awards are not the final word in film, but like any institution they reflect the power dynamics of American society, including those in the church. That’s why the Academy denying Greta Gerwig a...


Concerned about rising gun violence, St. David’s Episcopal Church outside Detroit hosted a gun buyback in December so residents could trade firearms for gift cards.  “We’re trying to help build a safer community,” explained Chris Yaw, the church’s...

A New Old Look at Valentine’s Day

This year, thanks to a mischievous convergence of the cultural and liturgical calendars, Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day.  It’s not the first time (2018 wasn’t that long ago) nor will it be the last (next up is...

Sermon Remix