Resources for Lent

Fast and Pray

Holy Week Litanies

Lenten Posts

A New Old Look at Valentine’s Day

This year, thanks to a mischievous convergence of the cultural and liturgical calendars, Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day.  It’s not the first time (2018 wasn’t that long...

No Palms? No Parades? No Problem

It feels strange, doesn’t it, to be cooped up inside today as we hear Luke’s bustling, jubilant, and very outdoorsy account of Jesus’ triumphal...

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down

There are two traditional Scripture readings associated with Ash Wednesday.  The Gospel lesson is Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 in which Jesus gives His disciples instructions...

Smells Like…Lent

The other night I was down in the basement mopping an area of the floor where the cat had created an unauthorized extension of...

Hitting the Road

A version of this sermon was preached on March 20, 2016 (Palm Sunday) at the First Baptist Church of Hyattsville. The Scripture readings were Psalm...

Easter Resources