Beyond Boundaries

In my humble estimation, the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter 8 is one of the most overlooked stories in...

Transformational Friendship

Texts: John 15:9-17; Acts 10:44-48 Preached at First Baptist Memphis, May 9, 2021 What does it mean to be a friend? Who...

Jesus’ Life and Martin’s Death

This Easter Sunday marks the brightest dawn the world has ever known paired with the anniversary of one of the darkest evenings America has...

Books for Reckoning with White Supremacy in the American Church

The Cross and the Lynching Tree, James H. Cone (2011) The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism, Jemar Tisby...

In My Right Mind

I was wearing so many bulky layers to onlookers I was either about to exit the airlock of the International Space Station to begin...

Nostalgia and the New Thing

Starship may have built this city on Rock and Roll, but the Via Ex Machina website was built squarely on the alternative music of...

Journey of the Magi

One of our favorite additions to the church's service for Epiphany is a staged reading of T.S. Eliot's classic poem for Christmas, "Journey of...

Peace for Our Time

A Reflection on Psalm 85, Ezekiel 13, and Luke 2 My father-in-law never carried an umbrella, at least not for the last 75 years of...

Dolly and W.C.

As our minivan wound its way through the Smokey Mountains to Sevier County, Tennessee, home of Dollywood Splash Country, I paused the latest Percy...

Going Home

Scripture Reading : Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18 and Ephesians 1:11-23 Believe it or not, another October has come and gone and so has another World Series. ...

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Abide These Three: Hope

Text: Lamentations 3:1-6, 14-24 (Todd is reading in this recording from the TANAK) and Revelation 21:1-7 The second sermon in the sermon series “Abide These Three: Faith, Hope, and Love." An audio only link of this sermon and a partial transcript are available here.

Who Is Jesus?