Banners & Floral

His Banner is Love

Creative Banners and Floral

Any Season


Weaving Our Testimonies Together: Banners

These banners originated as part of the "Weaving Our Testimonies Together: A Collaborative Art Project" for our congregation in Canada. As seen in the related post, members wrote testimonies of thanksgiving or answered prayers...

Peaceable Kingdom Batik Banners

The Elder Board at Kingsway decided that Mission, Outreach and Evangelism would be the church's focus for 2018. To accompany this initiative Todd would be preaching a 12 part sermon series! I thought such...

Advent and Christmas

Lent Decor

A Journey with the Cross

The first time I ever saw a flowering cross, I was visiting Todd in Athens, Georgia back during his days as a Latin scholar...

Service of Shadows Decor

In the Catholic tradition the services conducted Thursday through Saturday of Holy Week are sometimes referred to as the Tenebrae service. From the Latin,...

Weaving Our Testimonies Together: Banners

These banners originated as part of the "Weaving Our Testimonies Together: A Collaborative Art Project" for our congregation in Canada. As seen in the...

Easter Decor