Lent Resources

Lent Decor


    Service of Shadows Decor

    In the Catholic tradition the services conducted Thursday through Saturday of Holy Week are sometimes referred to as the Tenebrae service. From the Latin,...

    Weaving Our Testimonies Together: Banners

    These banners originated as part of the "Weaving Our Testimonies Together: A Collaborative Art Project" for our congregation in Canada. As seen in the...

    A Journey with the Cross

    The first time I ever saw a flowering cross, I was visiting Todd in Athens, Georgia back during his days as a Latin scholar...

    Baptist News Global

    Behind the Christian Nationalist View on Immigration

    The second night of the Republican National Convention focused on the party’s No. 1 issue — immigration. Donald Trump scuttled a bipartisan Senate bill on immigration and border...


    My father is Tennessee’s unofficial welcoming committee. A Virginia native who retired with my mother to her home state, he enjoys swapping stories with...

    Saving ICWA and Native Tribes

    In June 2023, the United States Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling that could determine the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act....


    At the start of each year in the United Kingdom, the monarch doles out “honors” to citizens who’ve contributed to the betterment of British society....

    Holy Week

    Easter Resources

    Easter Sermons

    Jesus’ Life and Martin’s Death

    A sermon about the convergence of Dr. King’s assassination and Jesus’ resurrection preached Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021. The biblical text is Mark 16,...

    Go and Teach

    The first sermon in a series for the season of Easter that looks at the post-resurrection story of each Gospel. This sermon focuses on...

    Overturned and Turned Over

    A look at the post-Easter narrative in Luke's gospel. Todd draws on his background as a Classicist to show how in Luke the birth,...

    The Awe of Easter

    Sermon for the season of Easter. A look at the Gospel of Mark's version of the Easter story in Mark 16:1-8. Mark renders Easter...

    No Palms? No Parades? No Problem.

    What is Palm Sunday without a parade of palms? Still one of the most important declarations Jesus makes in the gospels. We matter to...


    Day One


    Arts & Culture